
Arlecdon Primary School Celebrates Good Ofsted Report

Staff and pupils at Arlecdon Primary School are celebrating this week after receiving a ‘Good’ Ofsted report following a visit from inspectors in February.

The school, which has 46 pupils from ages 3 to 11, has been praised for its leadership, clear vision and well-designed curriculum.

The report also found that pupils are kind and caring and enjoy attending school, where lessons and calm and purposeful and pupils learn without disruption.

Pupils enjoy respectful relationships with staff, who have high expectations for the achievement of all pupils, including those with SEND.

The report also acknowledges the strong safeguarding culture at the school, stating that: “Leaders act promptly to make sure that pupils get the help that they need.”

The strong reading culture throughout the school was also praised by inspectors, who said: “Staff have put in place a well-organised programme that supports pupils to read well.”

Headteacher, Sophie McCabe, commented:

We are immensely proud of our wonderful school; we pride ourselves on our inclusiveness and the achievements of all our pupils.  Our children are incredibly kind and caring.  Staff work to provide a wide range of opportunities for our pupils and work to foster a love of learning.  This report encapsulates everything we do at Arlecdon Primary School.”

This is the first Ofsted inspection Arlecdon Primary School has received since converting to academy status in October 2019 and joining the Changing Lives Learning Trust (previously named West Lakes Multi Academy Trust). The school was previously judged to be ‘Good’ in April 2016.

Judith Schafer, Deputy Chief Executive of Changing Lives Learning Trust added:

Changing Lives Learning Trust is delighted that Arlecdon Primary has been recognised as a Good school by Ofsted. We know that the strong leadership of the Headteacher, and the aspirational expectations of the entire staff, are central to this judgement. Arlecdon Primary School continues to be at the centre of the local community, and enjoys the support of parents and local businesses. The children of Arlecdon are well served by their local school, and get the best possible education right there on their doorstep. We are ambitious for our school and for our children and look forward to the next steps in education for our community.”

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