
Welcome to Changing Lives Learning Trust

Changing Lives Learning Trust is a Multi-Academy Trust with Sponsor Status and is a not for profit charity which sponsors primary and secondary academies. Our Sponsors, The University of Central LancashireThe Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and Sellafield Ltd. have already proven their commitment and success in creating the fully inclusive, aspirational, high-achieving West Lakes Academy, firmly rooted in the local community.

Our Vision

Changing Lives Learning Trust will have legitimate grounds to claim that our educational experience enables those we undertake to teach and train to have a preparation for life that is excelled by no other.
This will be our distinction.

Principles for Action

We aspire to be the most respected Trust.

Individual academies are encouraged to retain and develop their own unique local community links and character while adopting our vision and values because…

Our children deserve to attend schools that are academically obsessed with delivering the pinnacle of teaching and learning, as though we invented it. It should not matter where they live, they should have the very best schools right there in their own community. That means in each of our schools…

Everything we do, no matter how small, has to help, add to, amplify changing lives through learning; we have to be utterly obsessed with improving each child’s outcomes in order to change each child’s life, such that…

Under the expert guidance of academically brilliant adults our children have to be learning the powerful knowledge, skills, attitudes and values they need to thrive and shape their world. Therefore…

Our staff have to have a professional dissatisfaction in their craft because no matter how good we are we must all remain utterly convinced we can be better and…

Through our One Cumbria Teaching School Hub we must make it easy to recruit of aspiring teachers, train and retain existing teachers and leaders to intuitively deliver a network of perpetual development and opportunity to those experts in their fields.

Across our Trust…
We will naturally retain talent until it’s time to let it loose on the rest of the education system with all the skills and potency borne from an unrivalled training institute.

We always put collaboration before competition and will never do anything detrimental to a young person, member of staff, school or college in a neighbouring community.

Principles in Action

  1. Our vision and set of values (Respect, Resilience, Achievement, Opportunity) must be consistent without being conformist;
  2. Curriculum design – fit for purpose both academically and financially;
  3. Quality in the classroom – nothing other than the highest standards every day can be acceptable – strategic focus on teaching and pedagogy will always be greater than autonomy and identity;
  4. Honest leadership underpinned by respect, resilience and integrity that delivers a culture of praise for all;
  5. A model for school improvement which is both systematic, consistent and collaborative across our Trust – distributing, deploying and building system leadership and targeted professional development;
  6. Monitoring and intervention – knowing our academies and holding them to account
  7. Systems and policies – we all work within accountability frameworks and that we must we adhere to the highest standards of public office;
  8. We follow the guiding principles of School Teachers Pay & Conditions and National Joint Council conditions of service and want to work positively with professional associations and actively involve them in our decision making;
  9. We will aim to create ‘capacity in advance of need’ at every level of the organisation. Decisions to support new schools will be driven by the capacity available and in our confidence that our existing academies will not decline.

The Story Behind our Logo

In 2022 we held a competition to design our new Trust logo. It was open to children across the entire Trust. The final logo you see here encompasses design ideas from three children within our Trust.
The four icons represents our four values of:



Changing Lives

Brand Book

Find out more in our Changing Lives Learning Trust Brand book.

Train Local, Teach Local